
Bitcoin's Sound Money Properties Series
Slide decks by Keysa @SimplestBTCBook
#1: Portable, Durable, Divisible, Fungible
#2: Scarcity & Hard Cap Supply
#3: Distributed & Decentralized
#4: Censorship Resistant & Unconfiscatable
#5: Immutable & Incorruptible
#6: Easily Verifiable & Can’t be Counterfeited
#7: Peer-to-Peer, Permissionless & Frictionless
#8: Neutral & Voluntary
#9: Transparent, Open Source & Auditable
#10: Borderless
#11: Provides Settlement Finality & Is a Bearer Asset
#12: Pseudonymous & Trustless
#13: Secure & Scalable
#14: Disinflationary/Deflationary
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